Fair = Rain.
That's the way it usually is, & this year only proved the rule in a huge way. The rivers are flooding & everything is soggy. The Fair also is the perfect time to eat questionable food (not that Navajo Tacos are in the least bit questionable!), watch hoardes of roaming teens (where did all these kids come from?), have a chance to chat with everyone you've ever known, say goodbye to summer (in the back-to-school sense, anyway) & mostly to have fun!
I had a great time hanging out with my young friends Sebastian & Talia. Here's our report:
The animals are always great - this goat stack was my personal favorite!
SUSHI in the cake decorating section! Combining 2 of my favorite foods - it doesn't get better than that!
Sebastian won a Big Blue Ribbon for his awesome Lego castle!
Talia won the Blue Mouth Award in Candy Eating - always good value, that one!
There is something special about looking at the Fair thru the eyes of a child. I'm so glad I had my chance this year - thanks for the fun, you two!