Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Retirement is Hard!

So, now that we're retired, we're working harder that ever. Well, we're not setting alarm clocks or getting up early, but we get really dirty every day, so that means Hard Work, right? As you can see by my picture, I have a very fetching work outfit. I recently added knee pads - really pulls it all together.
What we're doing is swamping out the crawl space under the house. It's actually more of a basement - no crawling necessary. There were lots of old building supplies mouldering away down there that we've now removed. Remember how much fun fiberglass insulation is to install? Removing it is easily as much fun, especially when it's old & dirty & overhead. 
Then there was the digging - Sada, the family digger, did that. He moved a lot of dirt & leveled the floors. I'm having a hard time reconciling the fact that mostly what I've been doing down there is cleaning - the block walls, ceiling overhead & the dirt floor. A lot of my hard-to-come-by cleaning energy is going into that space. (and - "No one" - is the answer to the question "Who is cleaning the house?")
Why all this To Do? you might ask. Well, we are going to have the block walls spray-foamed & that insulation will help make our house warmer. It's been oddly satisfying work - destruction, filling trash cans, seeing clean space emerge. It's also tiring, sweaty dirty work - do not attempt this unless you have a hot shower to get into at the end of the day. So, the work had to be done - I guess it's like chopping firewood - it warms you twice. And I've listened to lots of interesting podcasts on my iPod - I love multi-tasking!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that picture! Why wasn't I around with MY camera then?
